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Krejčí, Jan Dr.

born 28th February 1825, Klatovy, died 1st August 1887, Prague

Professor of geology at Charles University in Prague, founder of Czech geology. After his studies at the secondary school in Prague, in the years 1844 -1848 he studied natural science at the Polytechnic College in Prague and became assistant to professor Zippe, devoting his time mainly to mineralogy and geology. In 1849, he was appointed curator of the mineralogical collection at the Museum of Natural History. Between 1850 and 1851, he was an adjunct professor of mineralogy at the Prague Polytechnic College. In 1859 - 1860, he carried out geological mapping in Bohemia for the Imperial Geological Institute in Vienna. In 1862, he visited an exhibition in London and traveled throughout the western Europe. He qualified as associate professor in mineralogy and geology at the Polytechnic College in Prague, at that time a German school. In 1864, he was appointed professor of mineralogy and geology at the Czech College of Technology in Prague and, since 1882, he was assigned to the newly established Czech Technical University, where he was professor of geology till his death. The main field of his scientific interest was geology but he preferred mineralogy and crystallography. He was the author of several hundreds of papers, among which is his life’s work called 'Geologie čili nauka o útvarech zemských se zvláštním ohledem ke krajinám československým' (Geology or the Earth Sciences related to the Czech Lands), published in 1877. Other publications include: 'Brda, pohoří středočeské' (Brda, the Central Bohemian Mountain Range), 'Horopisné obrazy okolí Pražského' (Orography of the Prague environs),' Klíč nerostopisný k ustanovení nerostů dle chemických a tvaroslovných znaků' (The Key for the Determination of Minerals according to their chemical and morphological Features, 1865), 'Krystalografie čili nauka o tvarech hmoty vyhraněné' (Crystallography or the Science on Forms of the Mineral Matter, 1867), 'O kamenném a hnědém uhlí, zvláště v Čechách' (On black and brown Coal, especially in Bohemia, 1853), 'Orografický a geotektonický přehled území silurského ve středních Čechách' (Orographic and geotectonic Survey of the Silurian area in Central Bohemia, 1890), 'Přírodopis kovů a jejich rud' (Natural History of Metals and their Ores), 'Popis geologických útvarů v Čechách' (Description of geological Formations in Bohemia, 1869), 'Všeobecné a horopisné poměry, jakož i rozčlenění křídového útvaru v Čechách' (General and orographic Conditions, as well as the Division of the Cretaceous System in Bohemia, 1870), 'Elementy krystalografie' (Elements of crystallography), and many others.

(C) Czech Geological Survey 2004