Historické mapy

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Accompanying text

Orographisch-geotektonische Übersicht des Silurischen Gebietes im mittleren Böhmen

(Orographic and geotectonic outline of Silurian System in central Bohemia)

Authors: Krejčí, Jan; Feistmantel, Karel
Country: Czech Republic; Czech Crownlands  
Document language: German
Publisher: Fr. Řivnáč (commission publisher), Prague, first edition
Published concurrently in Czech and German versions in edition "Archiv pro přírodovědecký výzkum Čech/Archive for scientific research of Bohemia / Archiv für die naturwissenschaftliche Durchforschung von Böhmen", part V/5
Year: 1885  Scale: 1 : 288 000   Theme of the map: geological map without Quaternary deposits
Type: Accompanying text   Color: Black and white   Form: Bound book   Kind: Printed

Original source for this digital copy : Czech Geological Survey, Prague
Other variety of this document  
(C) Czech Geological Survey 2004