Historické mapy

hledej/search česky po slovensky english version

Instructions for browsing this medium

This DVD medium contains application which provides an access to the map files, image supplements, explanatory texts and text information stored there. The following text describes application interface facilities and contains hints for the full use of the stored information. For successfull application run it is necessary that your computer meets basic system requirements. Most of modern computers with the DVD equipment usually fullfill these conditions. Application does not depent on an operation system.

Home page
Document browsing
Detailed description of the docucent
Map window
Explanatory notes window
Information on authors of maps
System requirements

Home page

After inserting the medium into the DVD equipment your default browser usually starts and displays home application page. From this point all documents are accesible. Individual folds at the top of the page are links to the map and map suplements browsing, authors monography, project information and text searching.

Document browsing

In the section map and map suplements browsing you can choose conditions for documents presentation from several alternatives. Map sets shows related and concurrent maps. Page Year of publication contains a text list with levels notated by symbol . Text list is supplemented by a document type icon with the following meaning:

Explanatory notes, legendExplanatory notes, legend
Graphic insertGraphic insert
Title page Title page
Map supplementMap supplement
Accompanying textAccompanying text
PMap surprintMap surprint

It is possible to search in the list of authors , map scales and Document types in the same way. In the given item the documents are arranged again according to the year fo publication. On the page region searching there are two click maps , the areas of the Czech and Slovak Repulic and the area of Europe. You simply click at the map and you will get the list of maps related to the area you have chosen.


The page medium searching serves for creating the abstracts based on the media information. Inserted entry is searched among descriptive texts ( details of the individual documents).This searching results in the list of individual documents or monographs on the authors. You can look throgh the list when it contains more than 10 items. The key for searching is the given entry, which must contain at least 3 characters. The entry can also be combined with another entry using the operator +. For example when you enter "Barrande+1870", all documents related to J. Barrande and the year 1870 will be found. Similarly, for entry "Krejčí+Prague" or "Krejčí+Prague+1870" it will return all dr. Krejčí' s documents conected with Prague (for example as the place of publication or something else). Using the operator - it can be specified which entry should not appear in the resulting list. For example "Krejčí+1870-Prague" will find all dr. Krejčí' s documents related to 1870, with are not connected with Prague at all.

Detailed description of the document

All the above mentioned ways of searching of the archive document refer to the page with a description of the document. There the basic information on the document is to be found, its title, authors, scale, publisher and other information. On the righ hand side you can see preview of the document, in some cases even several previews. By clicking at this preview a new window with map viewing opens depending on the type of the document: map window or explanatory notes window in the case of text supplements.

Map window

Map window opens accross the whole screen. The upper toolbar contains the document title and icons with individual tools for working with the map:
Adjusts the size of the document so it that is shown in its original size.
Zoom in Document zoom in
Zoom out Document zoom out.
To the screen Adjusts the size of the document to be whole visible on the screen.
To the document
Information Views the information about the document location on the medium. Map documents are in normal format jpeg and can be processed and printed using other applications. Image documents contain copyright of the Czech Geological Survey that must be preserved.
Print Opens the dialog for the document printing. You can choose off-frame details and the document size on the paper. Prior to printing we recommend to use the function "Print Preview" and, in the preview window with the document for printing containing the menu, to choose the preview window of the viewer. Here you can select the properties of your printer and specify the document location on the page (as a portrait or landscape). By using the document preview prior to printing you can avoid the wrong printing on the paper. Preview window is connected with the print dialog window and it is possible to make interactive changes.
Zavření okna s mapou Closes the map window and the application shows the original window with the document description.

Explanatory notes window

In case of viewing explanatory notes and supplementary texts a new window opens accross the whole screen. The upper toolbar contains the document title and tools for looking through the document. On the left hand side there are previews on the individual document pages. Larger right hand side contains the double page with the document in the format Adobe Acrobat (TM). In some documents, especially the printed explanatory notes, the upper toolbar is supplemented with button which shows document chapter titles. Closing window icon close is in the upper right hand corner.
Install Acrobat Reader (TM)

Information on authors of maps

On the page with the document detail there is the link to the author page. You can find the list of all his other works there, included on the medium. For some authors there is a short monograph or a picture. An alphabetical list of authors is accessible on the page map authors monographs.

Language selection

The application is accessible in Czech, Slovak, and English. You can change the language version without leaving the page you are viewing by choosing the appropriate icon .

System requirements

Application was designed to work without further adjustments on ususal modern office computers. It was tested for Windows systems 98, 2000, NT, XP with the viewers Mozilla 1.5, Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 and Opera 7, and under the operation system Linux (distribution Fedora Core 2) with the viewer Mozilla 1.5 and Opera 8. For the application run HTML-document viewer with JavaScript engine of at least 1.3 version and cascading styles version 2 is needed, Acrobat Reader (TM) from version 4 is necessary for viewing supplementing text enclosures. The computer should have an operational memory of at least 64 MB. For browsing the explanatory notes is necessary to install the Acrobat Reader (TM).

(C) Czech Geological Survey 2004