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Slavík, František Prof., Dr.

born 18th August 1876 Kutná Hora, died 27th January 1957, Prague

Outstanding mineralogist, petrologist, geologist, academician of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, laureate of the State Prize, holder of the Order of Republic. Between 1895 and 1899 he studied natural science, chemistry and physics at Charles University in Prague. In 1897, he became assistant professor of the Department of Mineralogy at Charles University, he earned a Doctorate in Philosophy in 1899. In 1901 - 1902 he studied crystallography and petrography at the University in Munich. He taught at many secondary schools in Prague. In 1906, he qualified as associate professor in mineralogy at Charles University in Prague. In 1910, he was appointed lecturer and, in 1916, full professor of mineralogy, and later the head of the Mineralogical Department. Between 1907 and 1916 he taught at the College of Technology in Prague. In the school year 1924-1925 he was dean of the Faculty of Science and in 1937 - 1938 rector of Charles University. After 1945, he participated in establishing of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. He was then appointed academician and chairman of the Academy. He was outstanding expert in crystallography, mineralogy, petrography and geology, especially economic geology and geochemistry. The most important publications include 'Nerostopis Čech' (Mineralogy of Bohemia), 'Užitkové nerosty zemí českých'(Economic Minerals of the Czech Lands), 'Nerostopis Moravy, Slezska a Slovenska'(Mineralogy of Moravia, Silesia, and Slovakia), and 'Mineralogie speciální'(Special Mineralogy), which comprises lectures in 12 volumes. Other publications comprise 'Užitkové horniny zemí českých'( Industrial Rocks of the Czech Lands), 'Vznik a výskyt nerostů'(Origin and Occurrence of Minerals) 'Kapitoly o nerostech' (Chapters on Minerals, together with L. Slavíková), 'Nerostné suroviny, jejich úprava a zpracování' (Mineral Resources and their Processing, with J. Milbauer), 'Úvod do speciální mineralogie'(Introduction to specialized Mineralogy), 'Mineralogie a petrografie I.', (Mineralogy and Petrography I., with O. Pacák), 'Nerostopis a ložiska užitkových minerálů Slovenska'(Mineralogy and Mineral deposits of Slovakia), and 'Mineralogie' (Mineralogy, together with J. Novák and O. Pacák).

(C) Czech Geological Survey 2004