Czech Geological Survey
Homepage > Outputs > Field mapping manual
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Czech Geological Survey
Geological Survey of Ethiopia

Field mapping manual

Basic principles of geological and thematic mapping

The methodological guidebook has been compiled to aid the field geological and applied mapping activities at detailed scales. In practical terms geological maps should be legible and consistent which requires a series of steps and logical build-up to realize producing such maps.

The guidebook is prepared based on the experience of joint field mapping activity of Geologists from the Czech Geological Survey with their counterparts from the Geological Survey of Ethiopia between 2015 and 2018. It is a result of the collaborative field mapping for the development projects of Czech Development Agency technical assistance for Ethiopia. These projects were intended to assess geological and environmental hazards based on geological and related thematic geo-scientific maps. An effort has been made to maintain the traditional practices in the field geological survey and research combined with recent advances in methods and approaches. The methods and approaches will contribute to the development of comprehensive information and knowledge base about the geological environment in Ethiopia with many practical implications. This manual is not intended to replace the standard field geological mapping guide books other locally adopted standards, but rather to complement it by bridging with the current demand of users. It is strongly believed that the wider professional community will benefit from the use of this guide book.

Field mapping manual

Author: Kryštof Verner