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Jokély, Johann M. Mont.

born 1826, Eger, died 23th July 1862, Budapest

Hungarian geologist. He studied at the Mining and Forestry Academy in Banská Štiavnica. In 1852, he was assigned to the Imperial Geological Institute as a trainee and later in 1853, he worked in its Survey Department, which was involved in geological mapping of some parts of Bohemia. He was mapping mainly in northern and northwestern Bohemia (the Giant Mountains and the Krušné hory Mountains), and also in some parts of southern Bohemia till 1861. In 1862, he was appointed professor of natural science at the Hungarian Josef Polytechnic College in Budapest. However, soon after his appointment he died, due to some unfortunate circumstances and serious illness. Regardless of his short life, he contributed significantly to the scientific research of Bohemia, particularly as far as geological survey is concerned. Results of his studies were published in a variety of scientific journals.

(C) Czech Geological Survey 2004