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Bulletin of Geosciences
Published by ©
Czech Geological Survey,
W. Bohemia Museum Pilsen
Individual sponsors
ISSN: 1802-8225 (online),
1214-1119 (print)
Volume 87 / 2012 / 3
Ammonites from the Apoderoceras beds (Early Pliensbachian) in São Pedro de Muel (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal)
Bulletin of Geosciences, Vol 87, No 3, pages 407 - 430
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Foraminifera as environmental proxies of the Middle Miocene (Early Badenian) sediments of the Central Depression (Central Paratethys, Moravian part of the Carpathian Foredeep)
Bulletin of Geosciences, Vol 87, No 3, pages 431 - 442
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Isolated sponge spicules from the late Cambrian Alum Shale Formation (‘Orsten’ nodules) of Sweden
Bulletin of Geosciences, Vol 87, No 3, pages 443 - 460
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Revision of the early Middle Pleistocene bears (Ursidae, Mammalia) of Central Europe, with special respect to possible co-occurrence of spelaeoid and arctoid lineages
Bulletin of Geosciences, Vol 87, No 3, pages 461 - 496
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High resolution biostratigraphy of the Tournaisian-Viséan boundary interval in the North Staffordshire Basin and correlation with the South Wales-Mendip Shelf
Bulletin of Geosciences, Vol 87, No 3, pages 497 - 541
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Saurichthys and other fossil fishes from the late Smithian (Early Triassic) of Bear Lake County (Idaho, USA), with a discussion of saurichthyid palaeogeography and evolution
Bulletin of Geosciences, Vol 87, No 3, pages 543 - 570
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New and revised occurrences of rhynchonelliformean brachiopods from the middle Cambrian of the Iberian Chains, NE Spain
Bulletin of Geosciences, Vol 87, No 3, pages 571 - 586
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High-resolution tentaculite biostratigraphy and facies development across the Early Devonian Daleje Event in the Barrandian (Bohemia): implications for global Emsian stratigraphy
Bulletin of Geosciences, Vol 87, No 3, pages 587 - 624
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Correction: proposal of the four global series of the Cambrian
Bulletin of Geosciences, Vol 87, No 3, pages 625 - 627
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Rejoinder: Four-series concept of the Cambrian has a long history
Bulletin of Geosciences, Vol 87, No 3, pages 629 - 632
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