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Bulletin of Geosciences
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Czech Geological Survey,
W. Bohemia Museum Pilsen
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ISSN: 1802-8225 (online),
1214-1119 (print)
Ammonites from the Apoderoceras beds (Early Pliensbachian) in São Pedro de Muel (Lusitanian Basin, Portugal)
Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 87, issue 3; pages: 407 - 430; Received 7 October 2011; Accepted in revised form 8 Febuary 2012; Online 17 April 2012
Keywords: Lower Jurassic, ammonites, taxonomy, biostratigraphy, paleogeography, Lusitanian Basin,
The lowermost Portuguese Pliensbachian is characterized by the association of Apoderoceras dunrobinense Spath, Tragophylloceras numismale (Quenstedt) and Vicininodiceras aff. mouterdei Donovan. This ammonite fauna indicates the lower part of the Jamesoni Chronozone (lower to middle Taylori Subchronozone). Thanks to the numerous specimens collected, the ontogeny and variability of A. dunrobinense Spath, could also be investigated. The paleogeographical distribution of these ammonites underlines the close connections between the Lusitanian Basin and the Euroboreal seas during the Early Pliensbachian.References
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