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Purkyně, Cyril RTDr. Dr. Dr.h.

born 27th July 1862, Prague, died 5th April 1937, Prague

Geologist. He came from the famous Purkyně family, J.E. Purkyně, the famous physiologist, was his grandfather. First he studied chemistry at the College of Technology in Prague but soon changed for the University to study natural science. After graduation he became assistant with O. Feistmantel. In 1895, he taught at Teachers College in Pilsen where he founded and was head of the Mineralogical, Geological and Paleontological Department of the local Museum of Natural History. While in Pilsen he studied geology of the nearby Carboniferous and Permian deposits and examined the Quaternary terraces of the river Mže, thus founding the school of geomorphological studies in Bohemia. At that time he also published modern geological maps of the environs of Pilsen. In 1908, after the death of Alfréd Slavík, he was appointed full professor of geology at the Czech College of Technology. In 1919, he became the first director of the newly established State Geological Survey of Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Geological Survey) and worked there till 1934. He also founded numerous periodicals such as Věstník Královské České společnosti nauk, Rozpravy České akademie císaře Františka Josefa pro vědy, slovesnost a umění, and others, and compiled and published numerous geological maps. He stressed the practical purpose of the Survey having established archive of deep boreholes and register of Czechoslovak mines. He gave publicity to geological field research as an indispensable part necessary for the further development of geology in Czechoslovakia. He is the author of more than a hundred of scientific papers. He was member of numerous national and foreign scientific institutions.

(C) Czech Geological Survey 2004