A new mastixioid florula from tektite-bearing deposits in South Bohemia, Czech Republic (Middle Miocene, Vrábče Member)


Authors: Ševčík J, Kvaček Z, Mai DH

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 82, issue 4; pages: 429 - 436; Received 7 Febuary 2007; Accepted in revised form 17 September 2007;

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A mastixioid assemblage consisting of seed cones of Pinus hampeana and fruits of Carya globosa, Diplopanax limnophilus and Eomastixia saxonica has been recovered in tektite-bearing deposits at Dobrkovská Lhotka near Trhové Sviny on the southern periphery of the České Budějovice Basin, South Bohemia. Although its diversity is low, the assemblage is characteristic enough to be correlated with the Middle Miocene floras of the Central Paratethys area (Wieliczka at Kraków - Middle Badenian) and with comparable floras in the Boreal Province (Kleinleipisch and Klettwitz Floral Assemblages in Germany - Middle Miocene). The obtained data corroborate the Badenian age for the Vrábče Member, the oldest tektite-bearing unit from where the fossils were collected (?the basal part of the Domanín Formation) and prove a short time span between the rain of tektites (Ries event, 15-14.5 Ma) and the deposition of this unit.


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