Revision of Potamogeton fossils from the Most Basin and their palaeoecological significance (Early Miocene, Czech Republic)


Authors: Teodoridis V

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 82, issue 4; pages: 409 - 418; Received 2 January 2007; Accepted in revised form 11 April 2007;

Keywords: leaves, endocarps, Potamogeton, palaeoecology, Early Miocene, Most Basin,

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Only 37 incomplete endocarps and fragments of Potamogeton wiesaensis Kirchheimer from the Nástup-Tušimice Mine and cores of KU 115 and MR 59, and one incomplete leaf assigned as Potamogeton praenatans Knoll from the Bílina Mine (horizon No. 1) are described from the Most Basin. These samples studied here stratigraphically belong to the Holešice, Libkovice and Lom members of the Most Formation. According to the analysis of Potamogeton autecology and the floristic composition of the horizon No. 1, the fossil taxa can be interpreted as elements of an aquatic and reed vegetation.


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