Palaeoenvironmental evaluation of Cainozoic plant assemblages from the Bohemian Massif (Czech Republic) and adjacent Germany


Authors: Teodoridis V, Kvaček Z

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 90, issue 3; pages: 695 - 720; Received 27 January 2015; Accepted in revised form 18 May 2015; Online 17 September 2015

Keywords: flora, vegetation, palaeoclimate, Cainozoic, Bohemian Massif, Germany,

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Supplementary material

Appendix 2. (1274 kB)

Percentage scores for the foliar physiognomic characters of the studied fossil floras.

Appendix 3. (48 kB)

Results of the IPR vegetation analysis, palaeoclimatic estimates based on Leaf Margin Analysis (LMA), Climate Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (CLAMP) and Coexistence Approach (CA) for the fossil flora of Flörsheim including percentage scores for the fo

Appendix 4. (61 kB)

An overview of the studied floras from the Bohemian Massif and Saxony including summarized references with floristic, dating, and palaeoenvironmental results.

Appendix 1, (77 kB)

An overview of the studied floras from the Bohemian Massif and Saxony including summarized references with floristic, dating, and palaeoenvironmental results



We summarize palaeoclimatic oscillations recognizable in Cainozoic floras and vegetation of the Bohemian Massif and adjacent regions in Germany during the time span late Eocene to early Pleistocene. Statistical evaluation using Leaf Margin Analysis, Climate Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program and Coexistence Approach together with the Integrated Plant Record Vegetation Analysis has been employed to reconstruct climatic parameters (mainly Mean Annual Temperature, Mean Temperature of the coldest and the warmest months and Mean Annual Precipitation). Results of individual techniques have been compared and used for constructing curves that illustrate climatic trends. These methods can augment other sources of data to understand better the extent and timing of palaeoclimatic oscillations in Central Europe during the Cainozoic.


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