New record of a Middle Devonian brachiopod fauna from the Northern Arabian Plate, Zap Anticline, Çukurca-Hakkari, Southeastern Turkey


Authors: Gourvennec R, Hoşgör I

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 87, issue 2; pages: 347 - 358; Received 6 October 2011; Accepted in revised form 27 January 2012; Online 16 March 2012

Keywords: brachiopods, Devonian, Yiginli Fm., Turkey,

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Brachiopods recently collected from the Zap River Valley area (SE Turkey) allow to establish a Middle Devonian (upper Givetian) age for the upper middle part of the Yiginli Formation which was until now considered as Famennian on the basis of its micropaleontological contents and of its relative position in the series.


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