A large specimen and cuticles of Paripteris gigantea (Sternberg) Gothan from its type area Žacléř (Pennsylvanian, Czech Republic)


Authors: Šimůnek Z

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 84, issue 2; pages: 269 - 282; Accepted in revised form 3 April 2009; Online 5 May 2009

Keywords: Paripteris gigantea, Pennsylvanian, cuticular analysis, Intrasudetic Basin,

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An exceptionally well preserved, large fragment of Paripteris gigantea frond with “pseudo-pinnate” organization was found in Žacléř, Lampertice Member, Žacléř Formation (Intrasudetic Basin, Czech Republic). The single distal dichotomy of several basal “ultimate” pinnae is documented. The adaxial cuticle has elongated tetragonal cells oriented parallel to veins. The cells of the abaxial cuticle are probably polygonal with faintly discernible anticlinal walls; the haplocheilic stomata are sunken, partly covered by the proximal papillae of the subsidiary cells. Stomata are 22-30 µm long and 10-14 µm wide. Trichom bases are present on the pinnule margin and in the intercostal field of the abaxial cuticle. There are two concepts in the infrageneric classification of Paripteris. In contrast to traditional binomical classification (e.g., Cleal & Shute 1995), Zhang et al. (1993) preferred to provisionally interpret all the so far described species as forms of Paripteris gigantea.


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