Palaeoclimate analysis of the flora of the Klikov Formation, Upper Cretaceous, Czech Republic


Authors: Váchová Z, Kvaček J

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 84, issue 2; pages: 257 - 268; Received 26 September 2008; Accepted in revised form 8 April 2009; Online 15 May 2009

Keywords: flora, Klikov Formation, Late Cretaceous, palaeoclimate, CLAMP, CoA,

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The Late Cretaceous flora of the Klikov Formation (Upper Turonian-Santonian) in South Bohemia comprises 110 species representing pteridophytes, ferns, conifers, angiosperms, macro and mesofossils. Palaeoclimatic analysis of the Klikov Formation Flora using methods of Leaf Margin Analysis, Climate Leaf Analysis Multivariate Program (CLAMP) and the Nearest Living Relative allows us to conclude that this flora experienced a seasonally dry subtropical climate. Mean annual temperature is predicted to have been approximately 15°C. Numerous charcoalified fossils strongly suggest frequent fires typical of a seasonally dry climate.


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