Voskopitoechia chlupaci sp. nov. a Cantabrian (N Spain) Pragian uncinulid brachiopod with Bohemian affinities


Authors: García-Alcalde JL

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 84, issue 1; pages: 149 - 154; Received 25 September 2008; Accepted in revised form 6 January 2009; Online 25 February 2009

Keywords: palaeobiogeography, Sulcatus Event, Pragian, Perunica, Cantabrian Mountains,

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A new species of Voskopitoechia, V. chlupaci sp. nov. from the Pragian of the Cantabrian Mountains (N Spain) is described. The genus Voskopitoechia was already known by its type-species, V. orbona, from the Pragian of Bohemia. The occurrence of both Voskopitoechia species in northern Gondwana is related to a large faunal turnover in the aftermath of the Sulcatus Event, and also coincided with the onset of tropical conditions that allowed the occurrence of the first Devonian reef-building episodes in Gondwana. The palaeobiogeographical distribution of Voskopitoechia likewise supports the increasing closeness in Pragian times of peri-Gondwanan terranes as Northern Iberia and Perunica.


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