Jincelites vogeli gen. et sp. nov. (Hyolitha) from the Cambrian of the Czech Republic (Příbram-Jince Basin, Teplá-Barrandian region)


Authors: Valent M, Fatka O, Micka V, Szabad M

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 84, issue 1; pages: 179 - 184; Received 5 June 2008; Accepted in revised form 5 January 2009; Online 23 March 2009

Keywords: hyoliths, “Middle” Cambrian (Cambrian Series 3), Drumian, Příbram-Jince Basin, Teplá-Barrandian region, Czech Republic,

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The hyolith Jincelites vogeli new genus and new species is described from the “Middle” Cambrian Drumian Stage Jince Formation of the Příbram-Jince Basin in the Czech Republic. The new form is based on two hundred well-preserved external and internal moulds of conchs, opercula and helens. The general morphology of skeletal parts of J. vogeli corresponds to the filter feeding life strategy suggested for hyolithids by Marek et al. (1997). The character of the associated skeletal fauna and general lithology, as well as the restricted stratigraphical range and geographic distribution suggest that J. vogeli lived on muddy substrates in relatively shallow water settings


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