The invertebrate fauna of the Middle Miocene (Lower Badenian) sediments of Kralice nad Oslavou (Central Paratethys, Moravian part of the Carpathian Foredeep)


Authors: Zágoršek K, Holcová K, Nehyba S, Kroh A, Hladilová Š

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 84, issue 3; pages: 465 - 496; Received 7 May 2008; Accepted in revised form 10 November 2008; Online 14 August 2009

Keywords: Bryozoa, Foraminifera, Echinodermata, Mollusca, palaeoecology, Middle Miocene, Carpathian Foredeep, Czech Republic,

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An artificial outcrop of Middle Miocene sediments at Kralice nad Oslavou has been studied in detail, all fragments retrieved from the bulk samples were evaluated and described. The most common fossils were bryozoans, foraminifers and echinoderms, but molluscs also occured. Foraminiferal evidence indicates an assignment to the lower part of the Upper Lagenid Zone (Lower Badenian–Langhian, Middle Miocene); the calcareous nannoplankton is characteristic for the zone NN5. In the upper part of the profile, an increased amount of volcanic material can be recognised. Based on an analysis of the faunal composition, the palaeoenvironmental evolution of the section has been investigated. The sediments at the base of the section originate from a deeper marine basin and well oxygenated bottom waters. A first bryozoan event can be recorded in this interval. Above, foraminiferal evidence points to increased depth and decreased oxygen levels, coinciding with an abundance peak of molluscs and asteroids, but disappearance of bryozoans. In the upper half of the section, conditions changed considerably. The faunal content indicates a shallow-marine environment with normal marine salinity and high oxygen levels. Echinoderms and bryozoans exhibit high diversities in this interval. These drastic changes are related here to changes in basin geometry. Increased volcanic activity in the hinterland was documented by volcano-detritic material in the sediment. Neotypes of bryozoans Kionidella moravicensis Procházka, 1893 and Umbonula spinosa (Procházka, 1893) are designated.


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