Česká geologická služba
Projekt Mokrsko
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Project outputs

The list of interim technical reports drawn up within the project implementation in 2011:

Brož et al: Design of a 48-channel temperature data logger for the Mokrsko adit (In Czech)
Brož et al: Laboratory sets of instruments and methods for measuring geophysical and thermal parameters of rock samples (seismic velocity, heat capacity, thermal conductivity, thermal expansion, Hg porosity) (In Czech)
Brož et al.: Design and implementation of the instrumentation for measuring the basic parameters of the hard rock environment in the Mokrsko adit (pressure, temperature, groundwater level) (In Czech)
Brož et al.: Design and composition of an apparatus for monitoring seismoacoustic values in the Mokrsko adit (In Czech)
Brož et al.: Implementation of basic geoelectrical measurements at the drift site in the Mokrsko adit and preparation of layout of other geoelectric profiles (In Czech)
Brož, Štrunc: Historical and modern ways to store surplus electricity. Presentation at the 2nd Annual Conference OZE2011, April 13 – 15, 2011, at Kouty and Desnou (In Czech)
Čížek, Franěk: The use of 3D GIS in designing and planning drilling operations (poster): Czech Geological Survey (In Czech)
Dědeček, Šalanda: Determination of thermal characteristics of granodiorite samples from the Mokrsko adit (In Czech)
Franěk: Investigation of thermal load in rocks - perspectives of underground thermal energy storage (poster) (In Czech)
Franěk et al.: The interim report on the project implementation as of October 31, 2011. (In Czech)
Kaláb, Knejzlík, Staš: Description of CCBM measuring probes and their operational adaptatibility to the conditions existing in tonalite to use them in the study of drift SP-47 of the Josef adit, project FR-TI-3/325 (In Czech)
Klomínský et al.: Bibliographic search (In Czech)
Kořalka, Koudelová: Final Report on the reinterpretation of logging data from boreholes V1 / 1, V1 / 2, V1 / 3, V4 / 1, V4 / 2, V6 / 3, V6 / 5, V7 / 4, V8 / 2, VM-25, VM-26, VM-27 and VM-31 (In Czech)
Novák et al.: The concept of a research project (In Czech)
Rálek, Hokr: Numerical simulation for dimensioning a rock heating experiment (technical paper)
Verner et al.: Field survey of the Mokrsko-West locality (In Czech)
Jiráková et al.: Bibliographic search of hydrogeological conditions of the Mokrsko – West locality and its surroundings (In Czech)

The list of interim technical reports drawn up within the project implementation in 2012:

Franěk, J – Zuna, M, – Novák, P. – Vondrovic, L. (Eds): Second stage – partial results of the laboratoř research. – Appendix 1. 215 p.
Franěk, J – Zuna, M, – Novák, P. – Vondrovic, L. (Eds): Second stage – partial results of the field research. – Appendix 2, 112 p.
Franěk, J – Zuna, M, – Novák, P. – Vondrovic, L. (Eds): Second stage – partial results of the mathematical modelling . – Appendix 3, 86 p.
Franěk, J – Vondrovic, L. (Eds): Second stage –Proposal od the second stage of the monitoring network in the Josef adit.. – Appendix 3, 86 p.
Novák, P. – Franěk, J. (Eds): Updated koncept of the research project 2011-2014. Appendix 5, 42 p.
Klomínský (Ed): Storage of the thermal energy in the rock environment –Summary of method and implemented projects in abroad, implications for commercialization of the project results. – Appendix 6, 62 p.
Franěk, J. – Lexa, O. – Švagera, O. (Eds): Manuscript: Mechanism of the granitoid massifs fracturing and their implications i origin of the goldbearing veins in the Mokkrsko deposits. – Appendix 7, 40 p.
Konvalinka, P. – Vejmelková, E. – Scheinherrová, L. : Measurement of the rock thermal expansivity under high temperature impact. – Appendix 8, 9 p.
Brož M., Štrunc J., Valenta J. Geofyzikální a geomechanický monitoring při teplotním experimentu ve štole Josef u Mokrska. Přednáška + poster na Mezinárodním geomechanickém a geofyzikálním kolokviu, Beltline forest hotel, Ostravice, 7. – 8. 6. 2012; ÚSMH AV ČR.
Brož M., Štrunc J., Valenta J. Seismické a seismoakustické měření v lokalitě štoly Josef v Mokrsku. Přednáška + poster + terénní exkurze na Česko - slovenském seismologickém setkání, Slapy, 20 - 22. 6. 2012; ÚSMH AV ČR.
Čížek, D. – Franěk, J., – Novák, P. Application od 3D GIS in a research project planning – an example from the underground research centre Josef, Czech Republic. Poster na 7th international conference EUREGEO 2012, Bologna, Itálie, 12. - 15. 6. 2012; ISATech s.r.o.
Franěk J. a kol. Podrobný 3D model vrtné sítě včetně distribuce měřících zařízení ve skalním masívu SP-47, štola Josef u Mokrska. 3D GIS projekt; Česká geologická služba.
Novák P. a kol. Popis a předběžné vyhodnocení experimentu Blok II v rámci II. etapy projektu FR-TI3/325; ISATech s.r.o.
Hokr M. – Rálek, P. Numerical Simulation of Temperature and Stress Fields in the Rock Heatig Experiment. Technická univerzita Liberec.
Švagera O. a kol. Mechanizmy frakturace granitoidních masivů a jejich implikace pro vznik zlatonosných žil na ložisku Mokrsko. Manuskript článku. Česká geologická služba.