Historické mapy

hledej/search èesky po slovensky english version

Accompanying text

Die geognostischen Verhältnisse des Egerer Bezirkes und des Ascher Gebietes in Böhmen

(Geological setting in the Cheb district and the area of Aš in Bohemia)

Author: Reuss, August Emanuel
Country: Czech Republic; Czech Crownlands  
Document language: German
Publisher: K.k. Geologische Reichsanstalt, Wien, first edition
Published in "Abhandlugen der k.k. geologischen Reichsanstalt", vol.1. Wien 1852
Year: 1852  Scale: 1 : 172 800   Theme of the map: geological map with Quaternary deposits
Type: Accompanying text   Color: Black and white   Form: Bound book   Kind: Printed

Original source for this digital copy : National Library of the Czech Republic, Prague
(C) Czech Geological Survey 2004