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Hochstetter, Ferdinand von Dr. Prof.

born 30th April 1829, Essling (Württemberg), died 18th July 1884, Oberdöbling (now Vienna)

German mineralogist, geologist, and geographer. He studied physics and geology at the University of Tübingen. In 1854, he was appointed geologist in the Imperial Geological Institute in Vienna. In the years 1856 - 1860, he qualified as lecturer in geology and mineralogy at the Polytechnic College in Vienna, where he later became full professor. Between 1857 and 1860 he joined scientific expedition of the vessel Novara, which sailed around the world and explored parts of the Pacific Ocean. He was the director of the court museum in Vienna, where he established anthropological and ethnographic collections. His major scientific activities included geology, mineralogy, paleontology, geography, and prehistory. He frequently traveled abroad, which allowed him to publish results of his missions. However, many of his papers deal with the Czech territory. He participated in the survey and completion of geological maps such as Geologische Übersichts - Karte der Österreichisch - Ungarischen Monarchie at a scale of 1 : 576 000 and Übersichtskarte der Schichtungsverhältnisse in den Granulitpartiern des Südlichen Böhmens und dem sie Umgebenden Gneissterrain at a scale of 1 : 288 000.

(C) Czech Geological Survey 2004