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Suess, Franz Eduard Prof., Dr. Phil.

born 7th October 1867, Vienna, died 25th January 1942

Austrian geologist, university professor. Son of the famous Austrian geologist professor Eduard Suess. He studied geology at the University of Vienna and earned a Doctorate in Philosophy in 1891. In 1898, he became assistant and in 1901 superintendent and geologist at the Imperial Geological Institute in Vienna. He also qualified as associate professor at the University of Vienna where he lectured in the years 1905 - 1911, and later was transferred to the German College of Technology in Prague. In 1911, he was appointed full professor of geology at the University of Vienna. He was involved in the investigation and mapping of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, mostly the Czech Lands. He mapped chiefly Moravia and the Českomoravská Vrchovina Highland. His noted study on geology of the Bohemian Massif 'Bau und Bild der Böhmischen Masse' (1903) was published as the first volume of the comprehensive monograph 'Bau und Bild Oesterreichs'. He also compiled the third edition of Neumayr’s 'Erdgeschichte' (1st volume) and the essay 'Intrusionstektonik und Wandertektonik'. Other studies worth mentioning include 'Der Bau des Gneisgebietes von Gross-Bittesch und Namiest in Mähren', 'Bausteine zu einem System der Tektogenese', 'Die Herkunft der Moldavite und verwandter Gläser', 'Der lugische Bau in seinem Verhältniss zur variszischen Orogenese', 'Studien über unterirdische Wasserbewegung', 'Die Tektonik des Steinkohlengebietes von Rossitz und der Ostrand des böhmischen Grundgebirges, 'Zur Synthese des variszische Baues', 'Rüskschau und Neueres über die Tektitfrage', 'Erdbeben von Laibach 14.4.1895”.

(C) Czech Geological Survey 2004