Biostratigraphy and palaeoecology of the marine Pleistocene of Rhodes, Greece: Scleractinia, Serpulidae, Mollusca and Brachiopoda


Authors: Nielsen JK, Hansen N-M, Nielsen JK, Hansen KS

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 81, issue 3; pages: 173 - 196; Received 22 March 2006; Accepted in revised form 7 August 2006;

Keywords: marine invertebrates, Pleistocene, Rhodes Formation, Lindos Acropolis Formation, Greece,

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A biostratigraphical and palaeoecological study of the Pleistocene marine fauna from the Kallithea area (northeast Rhodes, Greece) has been conducted. In this area, the Lindos Bay Clay and the Cape Arkhangelos Calcarenite, which constitute the Rhodes Formation, are well exposed in ancient quarries. The study has revealed the presence of 120 mollusc taxa, viz scaphopods (3 taxa), bivalves (65), gastropods (52) and indeterminate polyplacophorans, together with brachiopods (6 taxa), corals (3) and serpulids (7). The fauna of the Lindos Bay Clay contains counterparts of the modern biocoenoses of the coastal detritic (DC) and muddy detritic bottoms (DE), whereas the Cape Arkhangelos Calcarenite shows evidence of the coralligenous biocoenosis (C), the biocoenosis of the 'Posidonia' meadows (HP), the biocoenosis of the photophilic algae (AP), the biocoenosis of fine-grained, well-sorted sand (SFBC), and the biocoenosis of coarse-grained sands and fine gravels under bottom currents (SGCF). The Windmill Bay Boulder Bed and the Kleopolu Calcirudite, which comprise the overlying Lindos Acropolis Formation, contain indeterminate bivalves and gastropods between eroded blocks from the Cape Arkhangelos Calcarenite. The Lindos Acropolis Formation shows remains of the coralligenous biocoenosis (C). The taxa identified confirm the warm-temperate conditions in the northeastern Mediterranean during the Pleistocene. Finds of Arctica islandica, which can be considered a 'northern guest', indicate the Pleistocene age of the Cape Arkhangelos Calcarenite. Two uranium/thorium dates of bivalves also support this age. Pteropods in the uppermost Lindos Bay Clay also suggest a Pleistocene age.


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