Palaeobotanical research of the Early Miocene deposits overlying the main coal seam (Libkovice and Lom Members) in the Most Basin (Czech Republic)


Authors: Teodoridis V, Kvaček Z

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 81, issue 2; pages: 93 - 113; Received 12 January 2006; Accepted in revised form 10 April 2006;

Keywords: palaeoecology, palaeoclimatology, phytostratigraphy, Lower Miocene, leaves, fruits and seeds, Most Basin,

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The present article re-evaluates the record of Early Miocene plant megafossils in the upper part of the Most Formation (Libkovice and Lom Members) according to current taxonomy, and applies the results to phytostratigraphical correlation. The characteristics of the floras have been studied, and palaeovegetation has been reconstructed based on leaf, fruit, and seed assemblages for the sites studied within the basin. New methods based on foliar physiognomy (CLAMP) have been used for obtaining palaeoclimatic estimates, and are correlated with additional studies of CO2 concentration. Climatic fluctuations are indicated by changing plant spectra during the deposition of the Libkovice Member. The position of the Miocene climatic optimum has been located in the upper part of the Libkovice Member, and is shown to be of late Early Miocene age. On that basis, this level has been correlated with adjacent regions (e.g., the Cypris Formation of the Cheb Basin, the Upper Coal Seam of the Hrádek part of the Žitava/Zittau Basin).


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