Further revision of Tertiary floras of Central Bohemia: localities Na Bendovce (Sv. Antonín) near Rakovník, Klínec near Všenory and Na Sulavě near Černošice


Authors: Teodoridis V

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 76, issue 4; pages: 243 - 252; Received 25 June 2001; Accepted in revised form 11 September 2001;

Keywords: “Klínec phase”, “Zdiby phase”, Tertiary, river system,

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The Tertiary floras from the localities Na Bendovce (Sv. Antonín) near Rakovník, Klínec near Všenory and Na Sulavě near Černošice in Central Bohemia were studied in detail by Němejc (1949). The present revision of these floras is based on a new floristic investigation of fluvial sedimentary relicts in Central Bohemia (Teodoridis in press a, b) and of the occurrences of Fagus saxonica from the Na Bendovce locality. The occurrences of this taxon are very important for the re-evaluation of the original Němejc's conception of the Tertiary accumulations in Central Bohemia ('Klínec' and 'Zdiby' phases, see Němejc 1949). Therefore, the flora of the locality Na Bendovce (Sv. Antonín) is correlated with the Late Oligocene floristic assemblage of Thierbach or floristic assemblage of Linz-Krumvíř (Late Oligocene - Earliest Miocene). Correlation of the floras of Klínec and Na Sulavě are problematic due to the missing evidence of Fagus.