Carbon dioxide field in the West Bohemian Spring Region: Introductory results


Authors: Škuthan B, Hron J, Pěček J, Keprta M

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 76, issue 4; pages: 203 - 208;

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Carbon dioxide is a significant phenomenon of many bio- and techno-systems from both local and global points of view, namely in solving environmental problems. Investigation of the carbon dioxide distribution in the West Bohemian Spring Region (WBSR), where the most famous healing spas are located, was divided into a few research phases during three years (2000-2002). Analyses of the introductory phase yielded interesting results. Existence of the separated carbon dioxide deep-seated source within the region was indicated as a result of the declining chronological trends of the carbon dioxide field in the Doupov-Ohře*) subregion as compared with the more or less constant or at most pulsating trends in the remaining parts of the region. This specific property might be very likely related to the character of the magma chamber of the Doupov stratovolcano. Nevertheless, the declining trends of the carbon dioxide in the subregion may also be influenced by processes tied with an anthropogenic activity, namely by excessive exploitation of gaseous mineral waters from boreholes.
*) Ohře = Eger river