Bryozoan fauna from the Kunda Stage (Darriwilian, Middle Ordovician) of Estonia and NW Russia


Authors: Ernst A

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 97, issue 1; pages: 33 - 68; Received 30 September 2021; Accepted in revised form 20 December 2021; Online 23 January 2022

Keywords: Ordovician; Darriwilian; Bryozoa; systematics; palaeogeography; palaeoecology,

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Bryozoan fauna from several outcrops of sediments of the Kunda Stage (Darriwilian, Middle Ordovician) of Estonia and NW Russia contains 18 species which belong to the palaeostomate orders Cystoporata, Esthonioporata, Trepostomata, and Cryptostomata. The studied material comes mainly from the collection of the Department of Geology, Tallinn University of Technology, as well as was specimens I have collected. One genus with one species and one more species are new: Pakripora cavernosa gen. et sp. nov. and Dianulites pakriensis sp. nov. Four bryozoans are identified to genus level only. One cryptostome bryozoan shows unique morphology unknown in any similar genera. In general, the studied fauna shows close relations to other localities within the Baltic region, with some few relations to the Ordovician of China. The bryozoans developed massive and erect colonies, showing adaptation to the shallow to moderately deep environment with moderate water energy and relatively high level of sedimentation.


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