Bryozoans, foraminifers, algae, and sedimentological characteristics of an exotic limestone block of the late Viséan Kirchbach Formation, Carnic Alps, Austria


Authors: Ernst A, Krainer K, Schönlaub H-P, Vachard D

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 96, issue 2; pages: 181 - 194; Received 12 October 2020; Accepted in revised form 8 February 2021; Online 28 February 2021

Keywords: Mississippian, Carnic Alps, Austria, microfacies, Bryozoa, foraminifers, ecology, taxonomy,

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A late Viséan fossiliferous limestone block from the Kirchbach Formation (Mississippian) in the Carnic Alps (southern Austria) has been studied for its palaeontological and petrographic characteristics. The limestone block contains abundant fossils and is composed of different microfacies including bioclastic floatstone, coral bafflestone, bryozoan bindstone, bryozoan wacke- to grainstone, as well as bioclastic mud- to wackestone. The described fauna of bryozoans and foraminifers identify the age of the block as early Serpukhovian (Tarusian), and indicate deposition in a shallow shelf environment with high to moderate energy levels, moderate to high sedimentation rates and flexible to hard substrates. The limestone block, like the exotic limestone clasts of the carbonate conglomerates of the Kirchbach Formation, were transported into deeper marine environments by gravitational sedimentary processes from a shallow marine carbonate shelf that was developed along the northern margin of the Hochwipfel flysch basin.


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