Early Miocene small mammals from MWQ1/2001 Turtle Joint (Mokrá-Quarry, South Moravia, Czech Republic): biostratigraphical and palaeoecological considerations


Authors: Bonilla-Salomón I, Čermák S, Luján AH, Horáček I, Ivanov M, Sabol M

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 96, issue 1; pages: 99 - 122; Received 28 Mai 2020; Accepted in revised form 25 November 2020; Online 20 December 2020

Keywords: Lagomorpha, Rodentia, Chiroptera, Eulipotyphla, Carpathian Foredeep Basin, Moravian Karst,

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Mokrá-Quarry (South Moravia, Czech Republic) represents a unique fossil site with an extraordinary abundance and diversity of vertebrate fossil remains. Most research on Mokrá-Quarry localities was focused on herpetofauna. Despite its relevance, the mammal fauna has not been yet studied in detail. In this work, the small mammals from one of the karstic fissures, Mokra´-Western Quarry (1/2001 Turtle Joint), are thoroughly described for the first time, including eight different taxa: Prolagus schnaitheimensis, Prolagus cf. vasconinensis, Rhinolophus cf. cluzeli, Rhinolophus cf. grivensis, Galerix sp., Aliveria aff. luteyni, Megacricetodon sp., and Melissiodon dominans. The Megacricetodon finds represent one of the first appearances of this cricetid in Central Europe and sheds light on the early evolution of the genus. Moreover, the small mammal assemblage confirms an early Miocene age (Burdigalian, MN4) for MWQ1/2001. The paleoenvironment inferred shows a dry karst landscape, with patches of woodlands and open steppe, together with marshy areas.


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