Teeth of actinopterygians from the Permo-Carboniferous of the Bohemian Massif with special reference to the teeth of Aeduellidae and Amblypteridae


Authors: Štamberg S

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 95, issue 4; pages: 369 - 389; Received 21 May 2020; Accepted in revised form 28 August 2020; Online 25 October 2020

Keywords: Carboniferous, Permian, Bohemian Massif, Dentition, Actinopterygii,

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A wide range of different types of dentition is presented in the set of actinopterygians from the Permo-Carboniferous of the Bohemian Massif. They demonstrate variation in the form, size, arrangement, attachment and number of marginal teeth and dentition on the bones of the coronoid series of the lower jaw and the dermal bones of the palate. The wide variety of dentitions suggests their potential utility in taxonomic classification. Three basic types can be distinguished among the described marginal teeth. Special attention is paid to the specialised tubular teeth of Amblypteridae and Aeduellidae. Details of marginal dentition on the lower and upper jaws are described on the basis of Paramblypterus sp. from the Boskovice Basin. It appears that the small strong teeth covering the dermal bones of the coronoid series and the dermal bones of the inner side of the upper jaw played an important role in grasping and biting prey. Recently prepared material enables us to recognize tooth morphology, arrangement and changes during ontogenesis of the amblypterid fish Paramblypterus cf. rohani, Paramblypterus sp., aeduellid Neslovicella elongata and Neslovicella rzehaki from the Krkonoše Piedmont Basin and Boskovice Basin.


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