Paleogene fish otoliths (Teleostei) from the Subsilesian and Ždánice units in Moravia


Authors: Brzobohatý R, Bubík M

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 94, issue 1; pages: 101 - 114; Received 12 June 2018; Accepted in revised form 17 January 2019; Online 11 March 2019

Keywords: Teleostei, otoliths, Eocene, Oligocene, Outer Flysch Carpathians,

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The Oligocene fish otolith fauna from the Subsilesian Unit of Western Carpathians in Moravia is described for the first time. The otoliths were found in pebbly mudstones and slumps interfingering with the Menilite Formation while hemipelagites of the formation are barren in otoliths. The otoliths represent deep-sea taxa dominated by myctophids. Two different otolith-based assemblages were distinguished: lower-slope assemblage with Vinciguerria sp., ’Phosichthystriquetrus (Brzobohatý), ’Diaphusalcoholicus Brzobohatý & Nolf, Oligophus moravicus (Pauca), Melanonus triangulus (Robba), Palaeogadus cf. intergerinus Daniltshenko, Coryphaenoides sp., and upper-slope assemblage with Xenodermichthys cf. senesi Nolf & Brzobohatý, Scopelarchus sp., ’Diaphus’ cf. excavatus (Šulc), ’Diaphus’ sp., and ?Synaphobranchidae indet. Otoliths are interpreted as in situ fauna, although the upper-slope assemblage may contain reworked specimens from the Eocene. Cutthroat eel (Synaphobranchidae) represents probably the first fossil otolith record of the family. The otolith fauna from the Subsilesian Unit can be compared with faunas of the Pouzdřany Marl, Ranzano Formation of Northern Apennines and IPM1 ecostratigraphic Zone of the Polish Carpathians. The otoliths document palaeomediterranean deep-water fish fauna strictly different from the modern Mediterranean fishes.


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