Fossil Comptonia difformis (Sternberg) Berry (Myricaceae) from the type area in North Bohemia with comments on foliage anatomy and associated fruits


Authors: Teodoridis V, Kvaček Z, Mach K, Sakala J, Daškova J, Rojik P

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 92, issue 2; pages: 185 - 210; Received 15 September 2016; Accepted in revised form 23 March 2017; Online 23 June 2017

Keywords: Comptonia, leaf, fruit, pollen, wood, morphology, ecology, Paleogene, Neogene, Bohemia, Europe,

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Type specimens and other material of Comptonia difformis (Sternberg) Berry (Myricaceae) from the Most Basin, North Bohemia, have been re-investigated in order to obtain more complete information on the leaf morphology, epidermal structure and co-occurring fruits. The history, paleoecology and comparisons with similar fossils from Eurasia and extant Comptonia have been discussed including additional notes on associated pollen and wood anatomy.


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