Late Viséan-early Serpukhovian cyanobacteria and algae from the Montagne Noire (France); taxonomy and biostratigraphy


Authors: Vachard D, Cózar P, Aretz M, Izart A

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 91, issue 3; pages: 433 - 466; Received 13 April 2016; Accepted in revised form 16 June 2016; Online 9 August 2016

Keywords: algae, Viséan, Serpukhovian, Montagne Noire, southern France, systematics, biostratigraphy,

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A revision of the late Mississippian (late Viséan-early Serpukhovian) cyanobacterial and algal assemblages of Montagne Noire (Aude-Hérault, France) is undertaken, mainly based on new data recently obtained with the foraminiferal assemblages of this area. In this taxonomic contribution, one tribe Borlatellae trib. nov. is translated, and three new genera Ortonellopsis gen. nov., Anchisolenopora gen. nov. and Neoradiosphaeroporella gen. nov., and four new species of algae are described: Ortonellopsis laxa gen. et sp. nov., Anatolipora macroporelloidea sp. nov., Paraepimastopora somervillei sp. nov., and Neoradiosphaeroporella aprica gen. et sp. nov. In the Algospongia (incertae sedis algae), the genera Zidella, Valuzieria emend. herein and Asteroaoujgalia are revised. Most of the species appear to be restricted to the latest Viséan-early Serpukhovian interval in the Montagne Noire, and thus, they have to be investigated in coeval Tethyan and Uralian areas for their possible biostratigraphic importance.


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