Crangopsis Salter, 1863 from the Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian) of the Ostrava Formation - the first record of Aeschronectida (Malacostraca: Hoplocarida) from continental Europe


Authors: Hyžný M, Hoch I, Schram FR, Rybár S

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 89, issue 4; pages: 707 - 717; Received 4 June 2013; Accepted in revised form 10 December 2013; Online 8 July 2014

Keywords: Hoplocarida, Aeschronectida, Crangopsis, Mississippian, the Ostrava Formation, thoracopod morphology, tagmatization,

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A newly found specimen of an aeschronectid hoplocaridan Crangopsis cf. socialis (Salter, 1861) from the Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian) of the Ostrava Formation (Czech Republic) represents the first occurrence of Aeschronectida from continental Europe. The studied specimen preserves all thoracopods allowing careful description. Morphological similarities between the present material and its relative Kallidecthes richardsoni Schram, 1969 allows reassignment of Crangopsis from Aratidecthidae to Kallidecthidae, leaving the former family with only its type genus Aratidecthes. Thoracopod morphology of Crangopsis socialis based on the present material suggests an upraised posture of the animal during its life. The upraised posture might have developed independently at least twice within Hoplocarida, in Aeschronectida and Stomatopoda. The body of Crangopsis socialis, and consequently of all aeschronectids, is divided into four tagmata: the sensorial unit, the food-processing unit, the walking-appendage area, and the pleon plus tailfan in contrast to five in Stomatopoda.


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