Pinus landsbergensis sp. nov., new pine from the Cenomanian of the Czech Republic


Authors: Kvaček J

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 88, issue 4; pages: 829 - 836; Received 25 April 2013; Accepted in revised form 6 September 2013; Online 21 October 2013

Keywords: Pinus, conifer, Cenomanian, Late Cretaceous, Bohemia,

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Pinus landsbergensis J. Kvaček sp. nov. is described from the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (Czech Republic). The material comes from localities Lanšperk and Pecínov. It shows characteristic fascicles of five needles born on a dwarf shoot. Its epidermis is built of elongate rectangular ordinary cells and monocyclic stomata forming rows. Similar Pinus species from the Cretaceous of USA and Japan are discussed. A conspiceous similarity is recorded between P. landsbergensis and P. quinquefolia from the Late Cretaceous of USA. P. landsbergensis is also compared to recent species of the subgenus Pinus. The most similar in epidermal characters are Central American pines P. montezumae and P. devonensis.


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