Conodont biodiversity of the Frasnian-Famennian boundary interval (Upper Devonian) in the Southern Urals


Authors: Tagarieva RC

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 88, issue 2; pages: 297 - 314; Received 3 February 2012; Accepted in revised form 2 May 2012; Online 31 July 2012

Keywords: South Urals, boundary F/F interval, brachiopod coquina, conodonts, brachiopods, biofacies,

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In the sections of the West Uralian Folded Zone (western slope of the South Urals) the boundary between the Frasnian and Famennian (F/F) runs at the bottom of the Barma Horizon. It is established within a lithologically homogeneous brachiopod coquina by simultaneous appearance of the conodont Palmatolepis triangularis Sann. and brachiopod Parapugnax markovskii (Yud.). The brachiopod shell stone of the F/F boundary interval subdivided into the Upper rhenana, linguiformis, Lower–Middle triangularis zones are thoroughly characterized by means of conodonts. In the upper linguiformis Zone at the top of the Frasnian, all the sections show a replacement of the palmatolepid biofacies with its abundant taxa of the genus Palmatolepis by the extremely poor, practically monotaxon icriodid biofacies. This is probably due to changes in the global sea levels and the Mass Extinction Event (Upper Kellwasser Event) at the F/F boundary.


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