A new Beloceras species (Ammonoidea; Late Devonian) from eastern Iran and a phylogenetic analysis of the Beloceratidae


Authors: Hairapetian V, Korn D

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 86, issue 4; pages: 675 - 682; Received 28 February 2011; Accepted in revised form 20 April 2011; Online 15 June 2011

Keywords: Ammonoidea, Devonian, Iran, phylogeny, biogeography,

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The cladistic analysis of the beloceratid ammonoids Mesobeloceras and Beloceras shows anagenetic development, by increasing number of sutural elements, in the stem group representatives and cladogenesis in the crown group. Crown group topology rules out vicariant evolution of the beloceratids and does not show palaeogeographic patterns. The widespread occurrences of multilobate species of Beloceras suggests connected low-latitude shelf areas between the regions of the Anti-Atlas, Montagne Noire, Rhenish Mountains, Shotori Range, Altay, and Canning Basin. A new species of Beloceras, Beloceras sardarense sp. nov., is described.


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