Beloceras, the most multilobate Late Devonian ammonoid


Authors: Korn D, Bockwinkel J, Ebbinghausen V, Walton SA

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 86, issue 1; pages: 1 - 28; Received 16 November 2010; Accepted in revised form 11 January 2011; Online 15 February 2011

Keywords: Ammonoidea, Gephuroceratina, Beloceratidae, Frasnian, morphometrics, suture line,

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Beloceras is the most multilobate among the Late Devonian ammonoids, with a suture line composing up to 50 or more singular lobes. Revision of the material from the Rhenish Mountains and Thuringian Mountains of Germany and the Anti-Atlas of Morocco led to the conclusion that endemic species can be identified mainly on the base of differences in the suture line. The species Beloceras sagittarium (Sandberger & Sandberger, 1851), Beloceras tenuistriatum (d´Archiac & de Verneuil, 1842), and Beloceras webbelense sp. nov. are described from the Rhenish Mountains and Beloceras petterae Yatskov, 1990 as well as Beloceras jorfense sp. nov. from the Anti-Atlas.


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