The Pennsylvanian Pecopteris ticleanui sp. nov. from Secu, Reşiţa Basin, Romania


Authors: Popa ME, Pšenička J

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 85, issue 4; pages: 663 - 670; Received 26 May 2010; Accepted in revised form 26 August 2010; Online 1 November 2010

Keywords: Pecopteris ticleanui, Marattiales, palaeobotany, Pennsylvanian, Re?iţa Basin, Romania,

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The new species Pecopteris ticleanui sp. nov. is described and figured from Secu, Reşiţa Basin, South Carpathians, Romania, from the Pennsylvanian deposits of the Reşiţa Formation. The studied material included both mature and immature frond fragments. The species is rare in both the Reşiţa Basin and generally in the South Carpathians. Pecopteris ticleanui sp. nov. is an Asturian-Stephanian species, suggesting the same age for the Secu facies of the Reşiţa Formation. The new species belongs to a rich pecopterid assemblage which contains more than 20 pecopterid taxa.


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