Early Cretaceous ribbed aptychi – a proposal for a new systematic classification


Authors: Měchová L Vašíček Z Houša Z

Published in: Bulletin of Geosciences, volume 85, issue 2; pages: 219 - 274; Received 17 August 2009; Accepted in revised form 1 February 2010; Online 162010 April

Keywords: Late Jurassic, J/K boundary, EarlyCretaceous, aptychi, taxonomy, new taxa,

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The older system for classification of ribbed calcareous Early Cretaceous aptychi consisted of two genera:Punctaptychus and Lamellaptychus. Later, I. Turculet divided Lamellaptychus into several subgenera. Within the frameworkof both the genera, species and subspecies were distinguished, which resulted in binominal and trinominal nomenclature.With regard to the richness of newly described species and subspecies in recent years, is not possible to continueusing the original system. It is the basic ribbing that plays the decisive role in the generic and subgeneric classificationof ribbed aptychi. In the case of subspecies systematics, all details on the valve surface are used with the exceptionof the sigmoidal bend (fractocostatus) and radial lines (radiatus). The ribbed aptychi are newly divided into the followingfamilies: Punctaptychidae fam. nov. and Lamellaptychidae fam. nov. Within the family Punctaptychidae we are ableto distinguish two genera: Punctaptychus Trauth, 1927 and Cinctpunctaptychus gen. nov. The family Lamellaptychidaeincludes five genera differing in the basic arrangement of the ribs: Lamellaptychus Trauth, 1927, BeyrichilamellaptychusTurculet, 1994, Mortilletilamellaptychus gen. nov., Thorolamellaptychus Turculet, 1994 andDidayilamellaptychus Turculet, 1994. Eight species and one subspecies are established as new: Cinctpunctaptychusundulatus, Beyrichilamellaptychus pseudostuderi, Mortilletilamellaptychus mortilletioides, M. submortilleti noricus,M. stanislavi, Didayilamellaptychus hennigi, D. andrusovi and D. renzi


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