Historické mapy

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Graphic insert
Lakkolithové intruse porfyrů mezi Mníškem a Davlí

(Laccolith intrusions of porphyrs between Mníšek and Davle)

Author: Kettner, Radim
Author's comment: Litographer V.Štumper, Praha
Country: Czech Republic; Czech Crownlands  
Document language: Czech
Publisher: Čes. akad. cís. Františka Josefa pro vědy, slovesnost a umění, Prague, first edition
Supplement to a paper by R.Kettnera: About laccolith intrusions of porphyrs between Mníšek and the river Vltava, published in "Rozpravy České akademie císaře Františka Josefa pro vědy, slovesnost a umění, Třída II", vol. XXIII, No. 10. Praha 1914
Year: 1914  Scale: 1 : 48 000   Theme of the map: geological map with Quaternary deposits
Type: Graphic insert  Color: Shades of gray   Form: Bound supplement   Kind: Printed

Original source for this digital copy : Czech Geological Survey, Prague
(C) Czech Geological Survey 2004