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Jahn, Jaroslav Jiljí Dr. Prof.

born 21th May 1865, Pardubice, died 21th October 1934, Prague

Mineralogist, geologist. He studied geology at the Universities of Prague and Vienna. Between 1891 and 1892 he was a trainee in the Geological and Paleontological Department of the court museum in Vienna and later an assistant at the Vienna University. Since 1893, he worked as department geologist of the Imperial Geological Institute in Vienna, and was mapping mainly in the Czech Lands. In 1899, he was assigned to a post of professor of mineralogy and geology at the newly established Czech College of Technology in Brno, where he founded departments of mineralogy and geology, working there till his retirement in 1928, when he moved to Prague. In 1902, he founded the 'Komise pro přírodovědecký výzkum Moravy a Slezska' (Council for Natural Scientific Research of Moravia and Silesia) in Brno, and in 1910 published 'Přehledná geologická mapa Moravy a Slezska' (General Geological Map of Moravia and Silesia) at a scale of 1 : 300 000. In 1917, he published 'Pamětní spis o nerostných pokladech Moravy' (Commemorative Treatise on Mineral Wealth of Moravia) in Czech and German. He also investigated oil occurrences in Moravia and was in charge of Oil Company at Gbely. He was excellent at stratigraphy, tectonics, paleontology, petrography, economic geology, hydrology, and engineering geology. He was member of many scientific societies, and author of hundreds of papers dealing with broad spectrum of earth sciences.

(C) Czech Geological Survey 2004