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Počta, Filip Prof. Dr.

born 19th November 1859, Prague, died 7th January 1924, Prague

Geologist and paleontologist, member of the Czech Academy of Sciences and Art and professor at Charles University. He studied natural science at Charles University in Prague. He began his scientific career as assistant with professor A. Frič at the Museum of the Kingdom of Bohemia in Prague and at the local university with professor O. Novák. He qualified as associate professor in paleontology at Charles University. First he was associate professor of paleontology and, in 1905, was appointed full professor of geology and paleontology at Charles University in Prague. He became widely regarded as an expert in paleontology having published extensive monographs on Cretaceous sponges, corals, pelecypods, and bryozoans. For Barrande´s 'Systéme silurien du centre de la Bohéme' he elaborated the volume VIII called „Bryozoaires, Hydrozoaires, Anthozoaires et Alcyonaires“. Among his important paleontological monographs are 'O tvorstvu předvěkém' (On prehistoric creatures) and 'Rukověť paleozoologie' (Handbook of Palaeozoology). In 1917, his book 'Geologie'(Geology) was published as the 4th part of Janda´s 'Velký ilustrovaný přírodopis' (Large Illustrated Natural History), which contained his university lectures. His other important papers include 'Die Anthozoen der böhmischen Kreideformation', 'Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Spongien der böhmischen Kreideformation', 'Der Boden der Stadt Prag', 'Geologická mapa Čech s vysvětlivkami' (Geological Map of Bohemia with Explanatory Notes), 'Geologické výlety do okolí pražského'(Geological Trips to the Environs of Prague), 'O mechovkách z korycanských vrstev pod Kaňkem u Kutné Hory', (On bryozoans from the Korycany beds from Kaňk near Kutná Hora), and 'O rudistech' (On rudists).

(C) Czech Geological Survey 2004