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Hrabák, Josef, Prof. Dr. Mont. h.c.

born 13th April 1833, Sirá near Zbiroh, died 15th July 1921, Příbram

Mining geologist and teacher. He was professor at the Mining Academy in Příbram. He belonged among outstanding experts in steam engines and mining equipment and machines. In addition to his scientific activities he became famous as a historian writing about the Czech mining and metallurgy. He is the author of a few monographs such as 'Hornictví a hutnictví v Království Českém' (Mining and Metallurgy in the Kingdom of Bohemia) and 'Železářství v Čechách' (Metallurgy of Iron in Bohemia). He also wrote about the history of the Mining Academy covering the period from its foundation up to 1899.

(C) Czech Geological Survey 2004