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Jeitteles, Ludvík Jindøich Christian

born 12th January 1830, Vienna, died 25th January 1883, Vienna

Austrian natural scientist, prehistorian, secondary school teacher. After his studies at secondary school he studied at the faculties of Arts and Law in Olomouc and, in 1851 - 1855, he completed his studies at the Faculty of Science at the University of Vienna. During his whole life he was a secondary school teacher in various towns of Austro-Hungary (e.g., in Olomouc, Košice). He is the author of several publications of which the following are worth to mention: 'Bericht über die Erdbeben am 15. Jänner 1858 in den Karpathen und Sudeten' published in 1858, 'Versuch einer Geschichte der Erdbeben in den Karpathen - und Sudetenländern zum Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts' from 1860, and 'Die vorweltlichen Alterthümer der Stadt Olmütz und ihrer Umgebung'.

(C) Czech Geological Survey 2004