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Jirásek, Johann M.Sc.

born 1754, Libochovice, died 1797, Salzburg (Austria)

Natural scientist. He gained a thorough education in natural science at the Engineering College of the Estates in Prague. He was associate member of the Czech Society of Learning. He contributed significantly to the scientific research of the Giant Mountains, particularly as concerns their geological structure, petrography and mineralogy. In 1786, he took part in the first scientific expedition to this region of which results and discoveries were published in 1791 in Dresden under the title 'Beobachtungen auf Reisen nach dem Riesengebirge' (Observations from the missions to Giant Mountains). He wrote the first part „Mineralogické poznámky' (Mineralogical Notes) and compiled the first geological map of the Giant Mountains, which is, taking into account the time of its publication, of extremely high quality.

(C) Czech Geological Survey 2004