
Lepidodendron obovatum STERNBERG

1820 Lepidodendron obovatum STERNBERG, vol. I, 1: 20, tent. 23, pl. 6, fig. 1; pl. 8, fig. 1

≡1838 Sagenaria obovata (STERNBERG) C. PRESL in STERNBERG, vol II, 7/8: 178, pl. 68, fig. 6
=1970 Lepidodendron aculeatum STERNBERG; Thomas: 146, pl. 29, fig. 2, text-fig. 2B
Lepidodendron obovatum Lepidodendron obovatum
Lycopodiopsida, Lepidocarpales, Flemingitaceae
surface of a stem with leaf-cushions (impression)
Carboniferous, Bolsovian, Kladno F., Radnice M.
Bohemia, Radnice ("Radnitz")
coll. National Museum, Prague, No. E 4740, coll. Sternberg, holotype
Type of the generic name Lepidodendron STERNBERG 1820.

Lepidodendron aculeatum STERNBERG

1820 Lepidodendron aculeatum STERNBERG, vol. I, 1: 20, tent. 23, pl. 6, fig. 2, pl. 8, figs 1B a,b

≡1838 Sagenaria aculeata (STERNBERG) C. PRESL in STERNBERG, vol. II, 7/8: 177
1929 Lepidodendron aculeatum STERNBERG; Domin: 153, text-fig. 96
1970 Lepidodendron aculeatum STERNBERG; Thomas: 146, pl. 29, fig. 1, textfig. 2A
1992 Lepidodendron aculeatum STERNBERG; Kvaček Z. et Kvaček J.: 41, pl. 1, fig. 1
Lepidodendron aculeatum Lepidodendron aculeatum
Lycopodiopsida, Lepidocarpales, Flemingitaceae
surface of a stem with leaf-cushions (impression)
Carboniferous, Bolsovian, Kladno F., Radnice M.
Bohemia, Radnice („Radnitz“)
coll. National Museum, Prague, No. E 4671, coll. Sternberg, holotype

Lepidofloyos laricinum (STERNBERG) STERNBERG

1820 Lepidodendron laricinum STERNBERG, vol. I, 1: 22, tent. 23, pl. 11, figs 2, 3, 4

≡1822 Lychnophorites laricinum (STERNBERG) MARTIUS: 144
≡1825 Lepidofloyos laricinum (STERNBERG) STERNBERG: vol. I, 4: tent. 13
=1838 Calamoxylon cycadeum CORDA in STERNBERG, vol. II, 7/8: 195, pl. 54, figs 8, 9
=1838 Zamites cordai C. PRESL in STERNBERG, vol. II, 7/8: 196, pl. 55, figs 1 - 9
1964 Lepidofloyos laricinum STERNBERG; Crookall: 307, pl. 74, figs 2 - 6, pl. 75, fig. 6, pl. 78, figs 1, 6, text-figs 98 (E 4747), 100c („Lepidophloios laricinus“)
1992 Lepidofloyos laricinum (STERNBERG) STERNBERG; Z. Kvaček et J. Kvaček: 41, pl. 1, fig. 2
Lepidofloyos laricinum Lepidofloyos laricinum
Lycopodiopsida, Lepidocarpales,
surface of a stem with leaf-cushions
Carboniferous, Bolsovian
Kladno F., Radnice M.
Bohemia, Vranovice near Radnice („Wranowitz“)
coll. National Museum, Prague, No. E 4747, coll. Sternberg, lectotype
Type of the generic name Lepidofloyos STERNBERG 1825.

Stigmaria ficoides (STERNBERG) BRONGNIART

1820 Variolaria ficoides STERNBERG, vol. I, 1: 22, tent. 24, pl. 12, figs 1, 2, 3)

≡1822 Stigmaria ficoides (STERNBERG) BRONGNIART: 28
Stigmaria ficoides Stigmaria ficoides
Lycopodiopsida, Lepidocarpales
internal surface of a rhizophore (stigmaria) with root scars (pith-cast)
Carboniferous, Bolsovian, Kladno F., Radnice M.
Bohemia, Radnice ("Radnitz")
coll. National Museum, Prague, No. E 80, coll. Sternberg, syntype
syntype figured on fig. 2 - unknown repository

Annularia spinulosa STERNBERG

1821 Annularia spinulosa STERNBERG, vol. I, 2: 32, pl. 19, fig. 4

1825 Annularia spinulosa STERNBERG; Sternberg, vol. I, 4: tent. 31
=1820 Casuarinites stellatus SCHLOTHEIM: 397, nom. inval., Art. 13.1 (f)
=1825 Bornia stellata (SCHLOTHEIM) ex STERNBERG, vol. I, 4: tent. 28
=1832 Casuarinites stellatus SCHLOTHEIM: 5, pl. 1, fig. 4, nom. illegit. 52.1.
=1860 Annularia stellata (SCHLOTHEIM ex STERNBERG) WOOD: 236
=1893 Annularia stellata (SCHLOTHEIM ex STERNBERG) WOOD; Sterzel: 99, pl. 9, fig. 9
1976 Annularia stellata (SCHLOTHEIM ex STERNBERG) WOOD; Barthel: 73, pl. 26, fig. 1
Annularia spinulosa Annularia spinulosa
Equisetopsida, Calamostachyales, Calamostachyaceae
two incomplete whorls of leaves, part and counterpart (compression)
Carboniferous, Rotliegendes, Dohlen Beds (Dohlener Schichten)
Germany, Plauen
coll. National Museum, Prague, Nos E 39, E 1989, coll. Sternberg, holotype
Type of the generic name Annularia STERNBERG 1821. Annularia spinulosa STERNBERG 1821 has priority over Casuarinites stellatus SCHLOTHEIM 1832 and over Bornia stellata STERNBERG 1825, if the type specimens belong to one species.

Equisetites muensteri STERNBERG

1833 Equisetites muensteri STERNBERG, vol. II, 5/6, 43: pl. 16, figs 1-5

≡1869 Equisetum muensteri (STERNBERG) SCHIMPER: 269, pl. 8, figs 3a, 3b, 4, 6, 7
1931 Equisetites muensteri STERNBERG; Harris: 7, text-fig. 2
1972 Equisetites muensteri STERNBERG; Jung et Knobloch: 106, 107
1992 Equisetites muensteri STERNBERG; Z. Kvaček et J. Kvaček: 41, pl. 1, fig. 5
Equisetites muensteri
Equisetopsida, Equisetales, Equisetaceae
apical part of a stem
Germany, surroundings of Abtswind („Montis Steigerwald prope Kastel-Neusess et Abschwind“)
coll. Bayerischen Staatssammlung für Paläontologie und historische Geologie, München, coll. Münster, lectotype
Type of the generic name Equisetites STERNBERG 1833.

Noeggerathia foliosa STERNBERG

1821 Noeggerathia foliosa STERNBERG, vol. I, 2: 28, tent. 33, pl. 20

1928 Noeggerathia foliosa STERNBERG; Němejc: 11
1956 Noeggerathia foliosa STERNBERG; Šetlík: 7
1992 Noeggerathia foliosa STERNBERG; Z. Kvaček et J. Kvaček: 41, pl. 2, fig. 1
Noeggerathia foliosa Noeggerathia foliosa
Progymnospermopsida, Noeggerathiales, Noeggerathiaceae
brachyblast bearing leaves, part and counterpart (leaf impression)
Carboniferous, Bolsovian, Kladno F., Radnice M.
Bohemia, environs of Beroun
coll. National Museum, Prague, No. E 122a,b, coll. Sternberg
Type of the generic name Noeggerathia STERNBERG 1821.

Zamites gigas (LINDLEY et HUTTON) MORRIS = Zamites falcatus (STERNBERG) C. PRESL in STERNBERG

1833 Odontopteris falcata STERNBERG, vol. II, 5/6: 78, pl. 23, fig. 1

≡1838 Zamites falcatus (STERNBERG) C. PRESL in STERNBERG : 197
=1835 Zamia gigas LINDLEY et HUTTON, vol. II: 45, pl. 165
=1841 Zamites gigas (LINDLEY et HUTTON) MORRIS: 16
Zamites gigas Zamites gigas
Cycadopsida, Bennettitales
part of simply pinnate leaf (leaf impression)
Jurassic, Liassic, Bajocian
G. Britain, Whitby, Yorkshire
coll. National Museum, Prague, No. E 166, coll. Buckland, holotype
Zamites falcatus (STERNBERG) C. PRESL in STERNBERG 1838 has priority over Zamites gigas (LINDLEY et HUTTON) MORRIS 1841 unless the latter is conserved.

Conites bucklandi STERNBERG

1823 Conites bucklandii STERNBERG, vol. I, 3: 36, 39, tent. 39, pl. 30

1825 Conites bucklandii STERNBERG, vol. I, 4: tent. 39
≡1828d Bucklandia squamosa BRONGNIART: 125, 128, nom. illegit., Art. 52.1
≡1838 Cycadites bucklandii (STERNBERG) C. PRESL in STERNBERG, vol. II, 7/8: 194
≡1842 Encephalartos bucklandii (STERNBERG) MIQUEL: 60
1871 Bucklandia squamosa BRONGNIART; Phillips: 170, text-fig. 29
1904 Cycadoidea squamosa (BRONGIART) SEWARD: 80, 109
Conites bucklandi
Cycadopsida, Bennettitales
part of a stem (cast, impression)
Jurassic, Malmian, Bathonian
G. Britain, Stonesfield
coll. Oxford University Museum, coll. Buckland, No. J. 29202, holotype
Type of the generic name Conites STERNBERG 1823 and the generic name Bucklandia BRONGNIART 1828d. Conites bucklandii STERNBERG 1823 has priority over Bucklandia squamosa BRONGNIART 1828d, unless the latter is conserved. The genus Bucklandia C. PRESL in STERNBERG belongs to Bennettitales, therefore the genus Conites STERNBERG 1823 based on Conites bucklandii STERNBERG ≡ Bucklandia squamosa BRONGNIART 1828d cannot be used for cones of conifers.

Dammarites albens C. PRESL in STERNBERG

1838 Dammarites albens C. PRESL in STERNBERG, vol. II, 7/8: 203, pl. 52, figs 11, 12

≡1846 Dammara albens (C. PRESL in STERNBERG) CORDA in REUSS: 92, pl. 49, figs 6 - 8
1976 Dammarites albens C. PRESL in STERNBERG; Hluštík: 53, pl. 1, figs 1 - 2, 3 - 7, pl. 2, figs 1, 2, pl. 3, figs 1 - 5, pl. 4, figs 1 - 6, pl. 5, figs 1 - 7, pl. 6, figs 1 - 5, pl. 7, figs 1 - 3, pl. 8, figs 1 - 6
=1841b Dammarites crassipes GÖPPERT: 122, pl. 53, fig. 3
=1866 Palaeostrobus crassipes (GÖPPERT) RENGER: 137, pl. 1, figs 2, 3 - 5
=1866 Krannera mirabilis CORDA in RENGER: 134, pl. 1, fig. 1
=1866 Palaeostrobus mirabilis (CORDA in RENGER) RENGER: 137, pl. 1, fig. 1
Dammarites albens
Dammarites albens
Pinopsida, Kranneraceae
stem with leaf scars (sandstone cast)
Cretaceous, Cenomanian
Korycany F., Peruc M.
Bohemia, Nový Bydžov ("Neubidschow")
coll. National Museum, Prague, No. F 82, coll. Sternberg, holotype
Type of the generic name Dammarites Presl in Sternberg 1838.

Cordaites borassifolius (STERNBERG) UNGER

1821 Flabellaria borassifolia STERNBERG, vol. I, 2: tent. 28, 32, pl. 18

1825 Flabellaria borassifolia STERNBERG, vol. I, 4: tent. 34, pl. 41, fig. 1
≡1849 Pychnophyllum borassifolium (STERNBERG) BRONGNIART: 65
≡1850 Cordaites borassifolius (STERNBERG) UNGER: 277
1970 Cordaites borassifolius (STERNBERG) UNGER; Crookal: 809, pl. 153, fig. 3, textfig. 231
=1825 Cycadites palmatus STERNBERG, vol. I, 4: 39, tent. 33, pl. 40
Cordaites borassifolius Cordaites borassifolius
Pinopsida, Cordaianthales, Cordaianthaceae
three leaves on terminal part of branch (leaf impression)
Carboniferous, Bolsovian, Kladno F., Radnice M.
Bohemia, Svinná
coll. National Museum, Prague, No. E 5738, coll. Sternberg, holotype
Type of the generic name Pychnophyllum BRONGNIART 1849.
Type of the generic name Cordaites UNGER 1850.

Cunninghamites oxycedrus C. PRESL in STERNBERG

1838 Cunninghamites oxycedrus C. PRESL in STERNBERG, vol. II: 203, pl. 48, figs 3a, b, c, pl. 49, figs 1a, b, c

=1825 Lycopodiolites lignitum STERNBERG, vol. I, 4: tent. 8
=1999 Cunninghamites lignitum (STERNBERG) J. KVAČEK: 132, pl. 4, fig. 1
=1846 Cunninghamia elegans CORDA in REUSS: 93, pl. 49, figs 29 - 31
=1869 Cunninghamites elegans (CORDA in REUSS) HEER: 12, pl. 1, fig. 14
=1919 Elatocladus elegans (CORDA in REUSS) SEWARD: 435, fig. 805
=1926 Kettneria elegans (CORDA in REUSS) VELENOVSKÝ et VINIKLÁŘ: 11, 38, pl. 1, figs 12 - 15, pl. 3, fig. 6
1971 Cunninghamites oxycedrus C. PRESL in STERNBERG; Knobloch: 44
Cunninghamites oxycedrus Cunninghamites oxycedrus
Pinopsida, Cupressales, Cupressaceae
terminal part of leafy branch (impression)
Cretaceous, Cenomanian, Untere Quader (Peruc-Korycany F., Peruc M.)
Germany, Saxony, Niederschöna ("Shoena")
coll. National Museum, Prague, No. F 642, coll. Sternberg, lectotype
Type of the generic name Cunninghamites C. PRESL in STERNBERG 1838.

Sagenopteris nilsoniana (BRONGNIART) WARD = Sagenopteris rhoifolia C. PRESL in STERNBERG

1838 Sagenopteris rhoifolia C. PRESL in STERNBERG, vol. II, 7/8: 165, pl. 35, fig. 1

=1824 Filicites nilsonianus BRONGNIART: 218 („nilsoniana“)
1825 Filicites nilsonianus BRONGNIART: pl. 12, fig. 1 (Atlas to Brongniart 1824)
1838 Sagenopteris acuminata C. PRESL in STERNBERG, vol. II, 7/8: 165, pl. 35, fig. 3
=1838 Sagenopteris diphylla C. PRESL in STERNBERG, vol. II, 7/8: 165, pl. 35, fig. 4
=1838 Sagenopteris semicordata C. PRESL in STERNBERG, vol. II, 7/8: 165, pl. 35, fig. 2
=1900 Sagenopteris nilsoniana (BRONGNIART) WARD: 352
1932 Sagenopteris nilsoniana (BRONGNIART) WARD; Harris: 5, pl. 1, fig. 11, text-figs 1, 2A-F
Sagenopteris rhoifolia
Pteridospermopsida, Caytoniales
isolated pinna
leaf impression
Jurassic, Liassic

Germany, Strullendorf („Strahlendorf“)
Specimen is of unkown repository, probably lost.
Type of the generic name Sagenopteris Presl in Sternberg 1838.

Comptonia difformis (STERNBERG) BERRY

1821 Asplenium difforme STERNBERG, vol. I, 2: 29, tent. 33, pl. 24, fig. 1, („diforme“) nom illegit., Art. 53.1 (non Asplenium difforme R. BROWN 1810: 151)

≡1825 Aspleniopteris difformis STERNBERG, vol. I, 4: tent. 21
≡1828c Comptonia acutiloba BRONGNIART: 140, 141, 143, 209, nom. illegit., Art. 52.1
≡1838 Zamites difformis (STERNBERG) C. PRESL in STERNBERG, vol. II, 7/8: 198
≡1844 Pterophyllum difforme (STERNBERG) GÖPPERT: 137
≡1906 Comptonia difformis (STERNBERG) BERRY: 495
1961 Comptonia difformis (STERNBERG) BERRY; Kotlaba: 133, pl. 17, pl.18A
1962 Comptonia difformis (STERNBERG) BERRY; Kotlaba:. 52, textfig. 2
1968 Comptonia acutiloba BRONGNIART, Vassiljev & Zhilin: 557
2004 Comptonia difformis (STERNBERG) BERRY, J. Kvaček: 549
Comptonia difformis Comptonia difformis
Magnoliopsida, Myricales, Myricaceae
basal and medial part of leaf (leaf impression)
Neogene, Lower Miocene, Most F.
Bohemia, environs of ?Chomutov („Komotau“), ?Most („Brüx“), ?Horní Litvínov („Oberleitenau“)
coll. National Museum, Prague, No. G 2113, coll. Sternberg, holotype.
Two substitutes of the illegitimate Asplenium diforme STERNBERG were published later: Aspleniopteris difformis STERNBERG 1825 and Comptonia acutiloba BRONGNIART 1828c, the former has priority and is available to form a new correctly named combination Comptonia difformis.

Type of the generic name Aspleniopteris Sternberg 1825.
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