Articles related to sheet "ČESKÝ KRUMLOV (32-23)":

Methodology for 3D modeling of a graphite deposit based on reevaluation of archive data
Jan Jelínek, František Staněk, Radomír Grygar, Jan Franěk, Michal Poňavič, volume 52, issue 1, 2019, pages 17–20
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New data on the organic sediments of the Late Glacial-Holocene age in the Czech Republic
Břízová,E., volume 47, 2014 (GRR for 2013), pages 47–54
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What is the origin of the uranium in the military area Boletice?
Knésl,I., Dvořák,I.,J., Hejtmánková,P., Poňavič,M., volume 47, 2014 (GRR for 2013), pages 126–129
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Contact metamorphism of graphite gneiss in the domain of Knížecí Stolec durbachite pluton
Vrána,S., volume 46, 2013 (GRR for 2012), pages 240–243
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Malacostratigraphic investigation of Quaternary scree deposits
Ložek,V., volume 31, 1998 (GRR for 1997), pages 92–93
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A new type of Zn-Pb mineralisation in metamorphosed crystalline límestones from the Vápenný vrch near Černá v Pošumaví
Drábek,M., Frýda,J., Šarbach,M., volume 30, 1997 (GRR for 1996), pages 164–165
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Investigation of Holocene sediments in correlation with climatic development
Ložek,V., volume 28, 1995 (GRR for 1994), pages 74–75
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