Keyword "GRANULITE" in:

Hydrothermal veins near Dukovany and their implication to subrecent seizmic activity evaluation
Přemysl Pořádek, Marek Slobodník, volume 50, issue 2, 2017, pages 203–206
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New occurrence of hyperpotassic granulites in the Blanský les Granulite Massif (Southern Bohemia)
Janoušek,V., Vrána,S., Franěk,J., volume 46, 2013 (GRR for 2012), pages 30–34
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Carbon isotopic composition of graphite the granulite complex of southern Bohemia
Vrána,S., Žák,K., Veselovský,F., Jačková,I., volume 43, 2010 (GRR for 2009), pages 259–262
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Ordovician metamorphism in the Moldanubian Unit: Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd geochronological evidence from granulites of the Blanský les Massif
Frýda,J., Vokurka,K., Janoušek,V., volume 29, 1996 (GRR for 1995), pages 74–76
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