Keyword "ÚSTÍ NAD LABEM" in:

Methodology of boreholes temperature data processing
Martin Kloz, Jan Polášek, Jan Holeček, Pavla HolečKová, volume 54, issue 1, 2021, pages 23–35
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Possibilities of exploiting the deep geothermal energy in the Všebořice area (Ústí nad Labem) and consequences for the Litoměřice region
Martin Kloz, Jan Holeček, volume 52, issue 2, 2019, pages 147–158
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Combining documentary data and field survey to reconstruct historical landslide by the Kozí vrch hill near the Ústí nad Labem city (Northern Bohemia)
Raška,P., Zábranský,V., Hartvich,F., volume 46, 2013 (GRR for 2012), pages 154–158
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